4 tips to deal with migraine attacks
Migraines are severe headaches that are often accompanied by extreme sensitivity to sound and light. People who deal with migraine attacks may also experience nausea, fatigue, vision-related issues, and headaches that can last for days. The exact cause is unknown, but triggers include certain smells, bright lights, loud sounds, foods, stress, and hormonal changes. While there is no permanent cure for the condition, migraines can be managed with treatment options, foods, and lifestyle changes. Treatment options Popular prescription options for migraines include: Nurtec® ODT: This is a common treatment option that helps prevent migraine attacks. Its effectiveness is highly dependent on when a dose is ingested. The tablet is quick to dissolve and takes about 60 minutes to relieve the symptoms. Nurtec® is the brand name for Rimegepant, which helps prevent and treat symptoms of attacks when taken every alternate day. Ubrelvy®: This is a rapid-action oral treatment prescribed for migraines. Ubrelvy® is designed to block migraine-triggering proteins, thereby preventing attacks. Research suggests this treatment option can be effective even after the onset of an attack, helping patients who have been dealing with symptoms for hours. Excedrin® Migraine: This is an oral treatment option containing two pain-relieving components—acetaminophen and aspirin—which help manage pain and symptoms like fever.
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