12 Potassium-rich Foods That Shouldn’t be Ignored
Potassium is a vital mineral that the body needs for various processes. However, it cannot produce potassium directly; instead, it absorbs it from our food. While the average American adult needs approximately 4700 mg of potassium daily, poor food regimes mean most people are deficient in the mineral. It is crucial for heart and bone health, and even helps with high blood pressure. Below are some potassium-rich foods you can include in your meals. Bananas It is one of the first foods that come to mind when we think of high-potassium foods. Contrary to popular belief, bananas are not as rich in potassium as the other items on this list. A mid-sized banana contains only 422 mg of potassium. Regardless, they still bring excellent health benefits. You can have a banana as a snack or include it in your breakfast to maintain healthy blood pressure levels and improve your heart health. Banana offers a good dose of potassium with minimal sodium. Avocadoes Avocadoes are rich in folate, vitamin K, and healthy fats. Half an avocado sans its skin and seeds has at least 345 mg of potassium, equal to seven percent of your daily requirement. Hence, if you consume one avocado every day, your body gets almost 15 percent of the daily requirement.
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